Not only does the month of March signify the start of Spring, but it also means that spring break is finally here. This is the time of year that college students and families have been planning for, and while its fun and exciting to have a mini vacation there are some important tips and reminders to consider during spring break. Everyone wants to enjoy their spring break, but you also need to do it safely.
Spring Break Tips To Remember
Never Travel Alone. No matter what your planning this spring break remember the buddy system. Traveling with a buddy or in a group can decrease your chances of becoming a victim of crime. Even if you’re just going for stroll on the beach or in a park make sure you have someone with you. Also, don’t hang out with “new friends” alone.
Be Careful With Money. When you’re traveling you don’t want to keep a large amount of money on your person. You should only carry enough money to get you through the trip. Also, you should only carry money in your front pockets or inner pockets. Even if you only plan to carry a debit or credit card, don’t lose it because it could lead to fraudulent charges.
Stay Aware While Driving. If you’re taking a road trip to your spring break destination make sure the driver is aware of their surroundings. Accidents can happen when you’re in unfamiliar territory, and you should make sure you have the necessary tools in case something unexpected happens. If you have a flat tire or your car breaks down make sure you have a back up plan, and take turns driving so that the driver doesn’t get tired or falls asleep while driving.
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Have Fun And Stay Safe During Spring Break
If you’re planning for a spring break vacation you should have fun, but also remember that staying safe and aware is important too. You also don’t have to go far for spring break to enjoy it with friends and family; try going camping or having a staycation. Spring break is more than a party, so make sure you’re coming home just as healthy as when you left.